
We love Jennifer, but can she really act?

In Uncategorized on March 21, 2010 at 3:35 pm

I saw the advertisement for this on the side of a bus, and was forced to uneasily smile to myself knowing that it would be another film I definitely wouldn’t venture to the cinema for. Even with unlimited Orange Wednesdays.

Now it’s not that I dislike Jennifer Aniston, because like the majority of the public (or so it would appear, according to gossip magazines) I have a soft spot for her, in a kind of feel sorry for her way because some ruthless power woman named Angelina Jolie stole her husband.

But I love her in the same way I love the whole Friends cast, I love them because they’re in Friends, and not because they’re amazingly talented actors. I’m deeply upset that Channel 4 chose not to renew its contract of airing Friends repeats over and over again. Let’s be honest it made the best background TV, no matter how many times we watched the same episodes.  We could be napping, filling out job applications or necking back wine before a night out, Friends never fails to put us in a good mood.

All the actors were thrust into fame and fortune because of the unpredicted success of the show, but I really dislike the desperate attempts to make it onto the big screen. Why couldn’t they just have left it at Friends?

Aniston has probably remained the most in the public eye, both because of her split from Brad Pitt and because of her insistence in popping up in every romcom flop going. I tried to watch The Break Up with my boyfriend at the time, it was so bad, boring and depressing it definitely had the capability of causing a break up. I refuse to watch Marley and Me, mostly for the reason I can’t stand films, apart from Disney, that make animals the main characters, but also because Anniston and Owen Wilson working together could possibly be the death of me.

So what I am trying to say, is that as much as I like Jennifer Aniston, and would like nothing more than for her to settle down with a nice man, there’s a high probability I won’t watch an films she’s staring in. I just don’t see her as anything more than Rachel Green and as lovely as she is, I don’t want to see her everytime I head off to the cinema.

Unfortunately Miss Aniston doesn’t convincingly pull off any other characters, despite the decade she’s spent trying.

  1. Watch Marley and Me! It’s actually not too bad.

    Oh and Jennifer ❤

    • Really Ben though? Really? I suppose the dog doesn’t talk…
      I just really have a grudge against films about animals, oh god like that new one Hachi: A dog’s tale. It makes me want to throw up on myself.

  2. I agree there and I only saw Marley and Me because there was nothing else on. Put Aniston and Wilson are good and it’s not too bad on a whole. They’re journalists too! It’s quite long though

  3. I agree with a lot of what you’ve said, but Along Came Polly IS amazing!!

  4. See, I think we all just love Rachel. I can honestly say that Rachel Green is the women all the men drool over and all the women sympathize with. Her acting is very mediocre, and we watch her films in the slight hope that she might just play some other character but she ends up in the classic boring films that aren’t even worth 20 mins of time. She’s played the same character in all the films you listed and even the ‘Along Came Polly’ but did you actually see her in ‘He’s Just Not That Into You’, it’s like she’s living in this limbo whereby acting at a decent level is lost. Very good post 🙂

  5. Your right, I love her so I just watch the films because she’s in them, not because I think it’s going to be a gripping film! But pretty much every character she plays is similar to Rachel’s character in friends. Has she ever been in any movies other than rom coms?

  6. I really like her as an actress, The Break Up i thought was such a good film and not what i was expecting, thought she was really good in it too. The film though that puts her in the ‘good actress’ category for me is Derailed with Clive Owen. Her performance in that was opposite to the ‘Rachel’ character she seems to be comfortable with, also the one with Jake Gyllenhal (dont know how to spell his name) shop something or Good Girl? anyway she was amazing in that too.

  7. I know exxactly what you mean Hannah, she’s farr to typecast, but I think the reason I am so bored by her films is not because every role she plays is like Rachel from friends, but because she always seems to play wistful late-thirties skinny women who are going through relationship problems in a quiet and dignified way, like He’s Just Not That Into You and that Love Happens (which is awful). I think its cos her agents obviously milking the fact the whole public think she’s this sad broken spinster woman now, which is sad because she seems lovely.

  8. I really liked Marley and Me, and i do enjoy films with her in. But i do still see her a Rachel from friends.

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