
Posts Tagged ‘Helena Bonham Carter’

Alice is definitely Wonderland.

In Uncategorized on March 10, 2010 at 6:50 pm

I like the idea of dreams. The way nothing makes sense, but if you’re lucky enough to remember them in the morning then it’s always fun to try to make sense of them and relate them to real life. Saying that, I think everyone will agree…. hearing about other’s people’s dreams makes me wish I didn’t have ears.

Alice in Wonderland is a famous story, about a dream, and I’m pretty sure everyone remembers watching the classic animated Disney adaption as a child. I for one, thought it was the scariest Disney film ever, after Pinocchio, and especially hated the Cheshire cat and his horrible, horrible smile. But this version changed everything for me.

At twenty, I am finally old enough to tackle the bizarre plot without having nightmares, despite it reminding me ever so slightly of a drug fuelled Narnia. Helena Bonham Carter was the best and most fiesty Red Queen ever, thought let’s be honest, she plays every role pretty damn incredibly, most notably for me, Bellatrix Lestrange. Little known actress Mia Wasikowska made a pretty believable Alice, although arguably she was a little pale and a little plain, but I liked her anyway. All the animated characters were strong and entertaining in their own right, though Mallymkun, the dormouse was a little bit stubborn and annoying, though obviously no fault of Barbara Windsor.

This film would terrify me if I ever decided to watch it whilst being really, really tired, so please don’t ever attempt it. Watching it in 3D was definitely a good move, and I would recommend it, despite making it that little bit more pricey. Though I’m not sure how much I appreciated watching the adverts in 3D as well.

My favourite thing about the entire film was the Cheshire cat, strange seeing as how much he used to terrify me. The oddest thing was that he really reminded me of myself, and I’m pretty proud of that, however weird it sounds.