
Posts Tagged ‘The Mirror’

An Education – Not so inspiring

In Uncategorized on March 20, 2010 at 10:53 pm

People seemed to go a little bit crazy with praise at Carey Mulligan’s performance in the 1960’s coming of age film; An Education. I saw a review on the Mirror website backing up what a huge hit the film is and have to admit, I may be going against the majority when I say that I wasn’t overly impressed with the whole charade.

I can’t remember the last time I watched a film with quite such a horrible relationship as the one this film focused on, that made me feel quite so upsettingly awkward, slightly queasy and like I should report social services all at the same time. I’m not denying that Mulligan didn’t do a pretty fantastic job at capturing the social expectations for a teenager in the sixties, because she did. She definitely made the film more bearable and I was a massive fan of her glamorous phase; living a life of heavily eyelined eyes, tailored dresses and a full fringe.

The Parisian scene was my favourite, but only because of the clichéd romantic beauty of Paris, especially during this period, and not for the horrible, unsettling interactions between the characters.

Obviously the film makes me glad that I’ve been bought up to expect a university education and a career, and that my life doesn’t consist of being married off whilst I’m still a teenager. However it doesn’t distract me away from my personal beliefs that it will always be more important to enjoy life in the moment, be spontaneous and regret nothing rather than worry about the future. After all, it could all end tomorrow.

Oh and for the record, Rosamund Pike was such a glitzy blonde, I love her.